Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Coconut Milk 'Whipped Cream' Recipe

We have a number of family and friends that are unable to have dairy. This is such a quick, inexpensive and easy-to-have-on-hand recipe that we always have a few cans of this on hand.

1 can of GOLD* Rooster Brand Coconut Milk

Simply chill the can (we leave one in the fridge). When ready to prepare simply open the can and scrape all of the coconut fat and coconut milk into a bowl and beat on high speed until it is whipped. Add a bit of maple syrup or honey and/or vanilla if you like. That's it!

It's delicious and has a wonderful coconut flavour (very mild) too. We serve it with the oat waffles and berries and everyone loves it. Enjoy!

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